The potager bio
The hanging garden Scala di l’Ortu located on the roof terrace of the hotel !
SCALA DI L’ORTU, urban garden
We did it! With a lot of passion and conviction, we have made our dream comes true! The Scala di L’ortu opens onto a roof terrace suspended garden since May 17th inspired by a 3 linguistic experiences (corse/french/english)dedicated to 3 thematic ambiances :
The endemic vegetal heritage, the ornamental plants and the Organic vegetable garden.
This relaxing space invites you to mingle sipping one of our drinks or enjoying intimate conversation during a meal, or simply reading in a zen ambiance.
Most of the ingredients of La Cuisine du Sud come from the garden #yummy?!
We have also imagined special events to rhythm the urban garden all the seasons round!
Sit in the central table created for the “ateliers éveil des sens” led by joseph and discover our wines and other terroir products.
Scala di l’Ortu offers a place of cultural exchange such as presentation of innovative and inspiring projects, arts and ancestral know how, art exhibition, …
And other thematic vents coming soon!
SUD-HOTEL and the “Fiora di Murzo” association will present educational program for kids and also for the big ones, dedicated to the biodiversity awareness in the urban environment. ?